Zoe Harcombe, or How to Not Be Big, Fat, and Stupid

Overweight and Obesity Graph

Childhood obesity is just adult obesity getting an early start, and we had better get this thing figured out before 100% of us are overweight or obese. To encourage us, Justin Stoneman recently published an essay in The Huffington Post titled “America: A Big, Fat, Stupid Nation.” First of all, Stoneman is astonished that, with […]

Junk Food Indicted on Many Counts

angry face

You’ve heard about “negative-calorie” foods, which take so much energy to chew and/or digest that they actually burn more calories than they contain. Whether or not that’s valid, it’s an interesting concept, and a terminology that can be borrowed. Maybe some things should be defined as negative-value food. On one end of the spectrum, there […]

Teens Get Their Own Diet Guide

Diet for Teenagers Only

Ever since Barbara Schroeder and Carrie Wiatt first introduced The Diet for Teenagers Only, the book has gained quite a following among the young people it addresses. It has earned the reputation of being a safe and inspirational authority that supplies good information, and it does it in a fun way. The authors stress the […]

For the Whole Family: Dance Dance Revolution

Sunset Party Dancing Girl Silhouette

Marilla Mulwane says, I do not believe in starving yourself to lose weight, or in having to spend hours at the gym every day, or in not being able to enjoy your favorite foods. Did that catch your attention? It did mine. Yes, Marilla, tell me more about how to become svelte, or at least […]