Recognition of Food Addiction Paradigm Urgently Needed

grim reaper

It’s a lens, a filter, a point of view, a set of new eyes, a new set of mind. It’s the psychological food-dependence-addiction lens. Whatever you like to call it, it is very much needed. So many children and teenagers are drowning in fat, and they’re doing it in parts of the world that never […]

Opium and Junk Food: Sisters Under the Skin?

opium den

In the 19th century, Britain fought a war to force China to allow the sale of opium, which has lead to an epidemic of addiction in that country. At its worst, the addict population was said to have been 70 million, although such things are notoriously difficult to count. The Maoist revolutionaries claimed to have […]

Paula Goodyer and the Taste of Addiction

Junk Food

Paula Goodyer writes about health for The Sydney Morning Herald and Cleo Magazine, among others, and has published three books. She is a recipient of the Walkley award, the Australian journalistic-excellence equivalent of the Pulitzer. In her “The Taste of Addiction” article, Goodyer considers the ideas of Dr. David Kessler, who is highly suspicious of […]

Ditch One Problem Food at a Time

Satisfying Overload

In a nicely balanced report for the Houston Chronicle, Kim Morgan explores the question of whether food addiction is real. She interviews a counselor who has his doubts, and a counselor who leads food addiction recovery support groups modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. Dr. David Kessler’s excellent book, The End of Overeating, is quoted to good […]

Why Americans Don't Want to Hear About Food Addiction

Mean Girlfriend

In some circles, putting forward the idea that food can be an addictive substance will win a person the reputation of a serious crackpot. This is often the fate of innovators who have more than average awareness, and who see a bit more deeply into society’s problems. We have discussed the food dependence-addiction paradigm here […]

You and Umami: What the Heck Are We Eating?


We recently commented here on an article titled “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” by Arun Gupta, one of The Indypendent’s founding editors. Democracy Now host Amy Goodman was impressed by that essay too, and consequently invited Gupta to be on her show, along with Dr. David Kessler. Arun Gupta talks about the highly […]

Bacon as a Major Food Group

Baguette French Toast

Titled “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” this classic examination of a food fad was published by The Indypendent, of which author Arun Gupta is also a founding editor. Gupta notes the increasing proliferation of pork fat in the diets of so many Americans and asks, “What’s up with that?” Gupta writes, There’s bacon […]