State + Nanny = Contentiousness

Report Cards

There are a lot of different opinions about how much responsibility the government should take for controlling obesity. When there is agreement that the government should do something, the easiest place to make an impact on large numbers of young and presumably malleable citizens is in the public schools. Canada Free Press offers an interesting […]

Obese Kids Still Targeted by Bullying


How many excuses can a bully find for picking on another kid? Well let’s see, there’s color, religion, sex, economic status, and, of course, size. And childhood obesity isn’t even the issue here, obesity being defined as a Body Mass Index at or above the 95th percentile. A kid can qualify as a victim with […]

Childhood Obesity and Corporate Accountability

table of junk food

Nobody wants to see the U.S. or any other country turn into a nation of blimps. Everyone agrees on that. But when it comes to the means of achieving a reversal of the childhood obesity epidemic trend, people start to have different ideas, and there is ambivalence. BNET’s Melanie Warner regards Childhood Obesity Awareness Month […]

Obese Kids Don't Need Taunts or Nagging

Beryl again

This profile on CNN Health turns a sociological eye upon the life of an overweight child named Claudia Garza. Actually, Garza is a grownup now; a citizen journalist who recounted her story for iReport, the section of CNN generated by the public. Then her story was incorporated into a piece by writer and producer Madison […]

Childhood Obesity and Grade School Bullies


We learn from Megan Brooks, via Reuters Health, that overweight kids in grade school are prime targets for bullies. Actually, everybody pretty much knew that already, but not everyone has realized the pervasive extent of the problem. Brooks has been reporting on childhood obesity for years, among many other subjects. One of the authorities she […]