The Price of Obesity, Physical and Psychological

How I Wish

Jeanna Bryner, managing editor at LiveScience, interviewed Sarah Gable, a researcher at the University of Missouri, about the emotional consequences of childhood obesity: low self-esteem from being teased or bullied, depression, anxiety, and loneliness. These stressful emotions all interfere with not only academic achievement, but every other aspect of life of a child or a teen. […]

A Few Words About Chocolate

chocolate covered scorpion

Have you noticed that it’s possible to buy chocolate-coated just-about-anything? Pretzels, coffee beans, bananas, popcorn, squash, potato chips, even bacon. You name it, and someone has coated it with chocolate. Humans love chocolate so much, they will even eat chocolate-covered ants and scorpions. We’ve mentioned the categories of highly pleasurable food, as defined by Linda […]

Kid, Parent, or Professional – Are You in Denial?

Oooh baby

“Of course not!” That’s a normal human response, when somebody suggests that we refuse to face the truth about something. We deny that there is a problem, including the problem of our non-recognition of the problem. That’s why they call it denial! Lisa Claudia Briggs asks us the question, “Is denial blocking your progress?” Briggs […]

Labels, Food Addiction, and the FDA

Carbs Nation

Here’s an insightful piece by Adi Narayan, who habitually writes about science and medicine for Time. Called “Building a Better Label,” it is, not surprisingly, all about the rules set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the nutritional information required on food packaging. I, for one, learned something from it: The recently passed […]