Coke in Australia

Exploitation of the disadvantaged in countries with struggling economies inspires a deep dislike of Coca-Cola and its gang of sugar pushers.

Coke in South Africa

Coca-Cola loves to invest in emerging markets, and it’s in the middle of a 10-year plan calling for $17 billion worth of investment in the African continent.

Coke, CSPI, Truth, and Lies

Coca-Cola ads and commercials are usually met with harsh criticism from the industry anti-obesity advocates, who speak against the soda giant.

A Busy Year for Coke

It was a busy year for Coca Cola Company, the world’s largest purveyor of liquified sugar, tooth decay, and childhood obesity.

Coke and the GEBN Debacle

In the final quarter of 2015, the Coca-Cola Company was taking a lot of heat, what with one thing and another. The very well-respected Lancet published an editorial that illustrates the corporation’s talent for shifting blame. The source of the trouble was the Global Energy Balance Network, or GEBN, a website that initially appeared to be […]

Coke Spends Its Money Widely

It would have been nice to go back to ignoring the Coca-Cola Company for a while, but it is such a busy corporation, the notices keep piling up. Regarding 2015, the final quarter alone provided plenty of fodder for criticism as the company appeared to be making payoffs in return for good publicity and reduced […]

Coke in Mexico

As a nation rife with obesity, Mexico ranks even above the U.S. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, senior author of a recent Tufts University study, has this to say: In Mexico, where more than 10 percent of the population has diabetes, approximately 30 percent of the deaths among people under age 45 are due to sugary drinks… Mexico […]