Childhood Obesity Awareness Month — Present and Accounted for

Without bringing up a single political point, it is still obvious that America thinks about childhood obesity a lot less than we used to when Michelle Obama was on the case. This seems like an appropriate time to mention a few current happenings that are intriguing, though difficult to categorize. Some ideas that appeared a while back might still have potential.

About six years ago, Dr. Liad Uziel of Bar-Ilan University discussed the belief that, despite a pile of contrary evidence, self-control might be a possible remedy for obesity. However, and sadly, it seems that a high capacity for self-control is a double-edged sword:

Not acknowledged enough are potential undesired personal and societal consequences associated with high self-control and the pursuit of higher self-control. Examples include inflexible behavioral patterns, over-emphasis on norm adherence at the expense of personal discretion, and strict emphasis on cold and rational thinking while overlooking intuition and emotional inputs.

Anyone can easily think of examples of “potentially problematic implications” accruing to an overabundance of self-control. For instance, the trait carries with it the possibility that a person’s information-processing ability might be negatively affected, as they wrongly assume that such a capability is universally distributed among the populace.

In this respect, all people are not created equal, but someone who can do it might unjustly blame others for not using the self-control they are assumed to possess. In the same way, someone with a knack for musical improvisation might assume that anyone can pick up an instrument and just jam… when they just can’t.

Such a mistaken assumption might blossom into a tendency to blame others for not making correct decisions that in reality they simply don’t have the capacity for. Blind faith in the idea that everyone should be able to exhibit extreme self-control can cause rough spots in social and interpersonal relationships.

It gets worse. Dr. Uziel’s research has revealed that “wanting to have more self-control can actually be an obstacle to achieving more self-control,” which is rather alarming:

Intensive self-regulatory efforts can lead to all sorts of problems, including health problems associated with intense stress. On that background, wanting to have more self-control contributes additional stress, and, in the short-run, demotivates one and reduces one’s belief that she or he can actually demonstrate good self-control.

After old notes were reviewed, an attempt was made to chase down a 2015 story headlined, “Childhood Obesity Rates Drop As A Result of Vegetable Spiral Slicer,” which was broadcast by a New York news program. Apparently, cooler editorial heads prevailed and all traces of that piece were removed from the internet.

However, it was possible to find another article about the device, which contains no mention of a decrease in the rate of childhood obesity but does tout the virtues of the Very Healthy Spiral Slicer, saying:

[I]t provides an excellent way to get children excited about fruit and vegetables… It is widely believed that the fun and colourful results produced by the spiral slicer will appeal to children. It is essentially a subtle way to introduce vegetables into a meal in a form that won’t immediately be recognised as a vegetable… Through creating long spirals of vegetables similar to spaghetti, it makes it easy to replace pasta in meals.

It appears that this tool is still available, although whether it is capable of reducing childhood obesity rates is yet to be determined.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Intricacies of the pursuit of higher self-control,”, 03/26/18
Source: “Varietyland Launches New Vegetable Slicer To Revolutionise Healthy Dieting,”, 04/21/15
Image by Jonas Zeschke/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

Recent Evaluations of Pediatric Obesity Treatments

As we know, obesity now affects over 20% of children in the United States, and while there are proven interventions to address it, many children still lack access to these treatments. Yale researchers recently explored the cost-effectiveness of one such intervention and examined the challenges and successes in implementing another. Their goal was to identify ways to increase access to effective pediatric obesity treatments. The studies were published in the journal Obesity.

Why do we need these studies?

These studies come at a crucial time. Experts from Yale, in collaboration with national medical organizations, are backing a proposal being considered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This proposal suggests a new billing code that could allow health insurance to cover intensive behavioral and lifestyle treatments for childhood obesity. Such a change would encourage the adoption of these programs and improve access, according to the researchers.

Previous research has shown that interventions providing comprehensive, family-focused nutrition and behavioral education with at least 26 contact hours over a three- to 12-month period are effective in treating childhood obesity. These programs have been recommended by the U.S. Preventative Service Task Force and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Mona Sharifi, one of the study authors and an associate professor of pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine, said:

We have effective treatment options… But there are systemic barriers that limit access, and we need to address them urgently.

The first study findings

Cost is a recurring issue in healthcare programs, including obesity treatments. In the first study, Sharifi and her colleagues evaluated the costs associated with implementing the Healthy Weight Clinic intervention in federally qualified health centers from both healthcare and societal perspectives.

The Healthy Weight Clinic offers intensive behavioral and lifestyle treatment for children and adolescents with obesity or overweight. The program involves a team of pediatricians, dieticians and community health workers delivering care within primary care settings, where families are already engaged. The researchers focused on federally qualified health centers because they serve underserved communities disproportionately affected by obesity.

“This choice was intentional to reach communities that face higher obesity disparities,” Dr. Sharifi explained.

The researchers broke down the costs of the intervention, including personnel, materials, and family expenses like time, transportation, and childcare. They then used a model to simulate the impact on a sample of patients over 10 years, comparing those who participated in the Healthy Weight Clinic with those who did not.

The findings showed that if Healthy Weight Clinics were available in all federally qualified health centers over 10 years, they could reach 888,000 children with obesity or overweight and prevent 12,100 cases of obesity and 7,080 cases of severe obesity. The cost per child was estimated at $667, with $456 covered by the healthcare sector and $211 incurred by families. The reduction in obesity cases could save an estimated $14.6 million in healthcare costs over the same period.

Dr. Sharifi said:

It’s a relatively low-cost intervention that our team previously found to be effective… And scaling it up in federally qualified health centers could help reduce health disparities in underserved populations.

The second study findings

In the second study, the researchers examined another intervention by looking at the spread of a program called Smart Moves, which is based on Yale’s Bright Bodies program. Earlier research by Drs. Sharifi, Mary Savoye (the creator of Smart Moves), and others found Bright Bodies to be effective in improving health outcomes in children with obesity and overweight and more cost-effective than standard clinical care.

Between 2003 and 2018, the Smart Moves curriculum was introduced in over 30 sites across the U.S. The new study collected feedback from staff at those sites to identify what helped or hindered the program’s success.

Addressing funding instability

Local partnerships with schools and exercise facilities were key to successfully implementing Smart Moves by providing resources and creating demand for the program. However, funding instability was a major barrier, often preventing programs from being implemented or sustained.

According to Dr. Sharifi,

When a child breaks their arm, their family seeks care, and the clinic bills the insurance company. But this funding model doesn’t work as well for behavioral and lifestyle treatment programs. For example, Bright Bodies involves group visits with families and is led by a dietician, an exercise physiologist, and a social worker.

But insurance companies typically don’t reimburse these programs, even though Bright Bodies has proven to be more effective and cost-saving than usual care. Programs often rely on grants, which eventually run out, leaving communities without access to standard care.

To address this, several organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the CDC, have submitted a proposal for a new billing code. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will review this proposal in the coming months.

“If approved, it would open the door to more efficient funding for these treatments and give families better access to interventions,” Sharifi said. “In other areas like surgery, not reimbursing for standard care would be unheard of, but in pediatrics, children often get overlooked in health policy, and pediatricians are underpaid.”

Policy changes are needed to ensure that first-line treatments are available to families across the country, Sharifi emphasized.

“Expanding access to these treatments is a pressing need,” she said. “Denying equitable access to effective, low-cost treatment for children is simply unethical.”

What else could be done?

According to the World Economic Forum (and proven by research and statistics), policymakers are working to address harmful food marketing, particularly by restricting marketing to children, imposing taxes on sugary drinks, mandating clear nutrition labels, and limiting portion sizes.

Additionally, research indicates that digital health interventions, such as text messaging programs and digital therapeutics, show promise in supporting weight management and promoting healthy behaviors among children and adolescents.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Evaluating the benefits of and barriers to pediatric obesity programs,” Medical Xpress, 8/28/24
Source: “Childhood obesity — how do we tackle this worsening health issue?,” World Economic Forum, 8/30/24
Image by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Anything Goes? The Epigenetics Challenge

The whole field known as epigenetics is like a wild and wooly frontier. A Harvard University publication calls it an emerging area of research. Basically,

[…] the DNA that make up our genes accumulates chemical marks that determine how much or little of the genes is expressed… The different experiences children have rearrange those chemical marks…

Which explains the mystery of why identical twins can have quite diverse skills and personalities, and different levels of health and achievement. One consequence of this malleability is that arguing “Nature versus Nurture” is a waste of breath. The parental genes a person receives are not the final word on anything, and because developmental experiences “rearrange the epigenetic marks that govern gene expression, they can change whether and how genes release the information they carry.”

A child’s early experiences alter gene expression and affect long-term development whether we like it or not, and whether or not we believe it. Events and circumstances can influence how easily a gene may be switched off or on, and may leave a temporary or permanent mark. To express the concept in a more colloquial way, pretty much everything is up for grabs.

Outcomes depend on such variables as learning opportunities, supportive or destructive family relationships, and the general stressfulness of the surroundings, which may be anything from an odious intellectual environment of stultifying boredom to a catastrophic war zone:

The “biological memories” associated with these epigenetic changes can affect multiple organ systems and increase the risk not only for poor physical and mental health outcomes but also for impairments in future learning capacity and behavior.

The realization that nothing is “set in stone” can be crushing or exhilarating, and the exciting challenge of working with the concept that change may be just within our reach surely fuels the souls of many scientists.

It gets crazier

Things really changed in this area of knowledge with such events as wartime famine in the Netherlands which indicated the possibility of traits that were not genetic, yet nevertheless were heritable. A study showed that men who were still in the womb when their mothers experienced malnutrition tended to have children with a tendency to become overweight adults.

Just when everything already seems complicated enough, the pipeline delivers more baffling information. According to a brand new Northwestern University/University of Texas report, explained by its originators in advance of official publication, “Temporary stress can cause heritable changes without altering the genetics…”

What now? Some of us have just become used to a packet of new ideas about how things work, and already we have to revise them? What exactly is going on here anyway? Well, it seems that…

Bacterial cells can “remember” brief, temporary changes to their bodies and immediate surroundings… And, although these changes are not encoded in the cell’s genetics, the cell still passes memories of them to its offspring — for multiple generations.

Human have entertained a lot of notions about how simple little bacteria inherit and pass along their physical characteristics, and it now appears that this understanding was incomplete. The need for revisionist thinking began to be suspected as far back as 2001, with the Human Genome Project.

Adilson Motter, the new study’s senior author, explained to interviewers that among bacterial biologists, it has long been assumed that DNA is the chief determiner of physical characteristics. However, as it turns out, “information also can be stored at the level of the network of regulatory relationships among genes.”

Scientists wondered whether characteristics can be transmitted from one generation of bacteria to the next by some means other than DNA encoding. Could the cause be the regulatory network itself? Because “the echoes of changes affecting their parents persist in the regulatory network while the DNA remains unchanged.”

Genes interact not only with each other, but with elements of the environment like temperature, available nutrients, and acidity. Excitement is in the air, for it appears that a lot of big discoveries are on the horizon:

For example, researchers could circumvent antibiotic resistance by subtly tweaking a pathogenic bacterium to render its offspring more sensitive to treatment for generations. Image the repercussions of harnessing that sort of knowledge.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “What is Epigenetics?,”, undated
Source: “Bacterial cells transmit memories to offspring,”, 08/29/24
Image by Bernd Thaller/Attribution 2.0 Generic

GLP-1 Drugs — the Questions Continue

Last fall, Brooke Steinberg of the New York Post wrote about a product line characterized as “companions for weight-loss drugs.” The purpose of these companions is to “allow those on the appetite-suppressing drugs to get the minerals and nutrients they need…”

Specifically, the “companion” turns out to be some sort of candy, but leaving that aside for the moment, the product is intended to partially prevent the loss of lean muscle mass, while preventing the rapid regain of weight. Admittedly, in the quest to escape the overweight condition, lean muscle mass is a thing that ought not to be sacrificed.

Obviously, the rapid regain of weight after quitting weight-loss drugs is a fate to be avoided. A question that presents itself is: In a perfect world, would candy be the perfect choice of vehicle to produce that result? It seems that the public might already be a bit too comfortable with such items as beet chewies which, even if they do not contain a single inappropriate calorie, are potentially dangerous because they habituate a user into thinking that whatever looks like candy and tastes like candy, is okay to consume.

Historically, the corporation behind this companion candy has misbehaved in all sorts of ways, like trying to corner the market on the world’s entire supply of potable water. In recent history, there has been credible evidence that, wherever babies are given enough free formula to allow their mothers’ milk to dry up, forcing the mothers to somehow find the money to buy more formula, just look around and this mega-corporation will be found.

Obviously, Nestlé is not the only outfit that profits extravagantly shady machinations — but it is rather notorious. A striking similarity can be seen between the baby formula scandal and a more current situation, namely, the weight loss drug craze.

Sneaky sales strategy

By creating a situation where mothers could not nurse their babies, the company guaranteed that sales of formula would continue. This created a situation worse than addiction, because those infants literally could not live without the substance they craved.

Today, by selling weight-loss meds that only work as long as people are taking them, the companies guarantee that sales of GLP-1 drugs will continue into infinity, because people who want to keep the weight off can’t get along without them. This may not exactly be addiction, but it certainly is a very compelling dependency.

So that is one of the current big questions. Whichever subcategory of the new weight-loss drug is involved, do patients/customers need to stay on it forever? Is the prescription tantamount to a life sentence?

A Scientific American article cites an example of why this is controversial:

A subset of clinical-trial participants who ceased taking semaglutide and stopped the study’s lifestyle interventions regained about two-thirds of their lost weight after one year.

Even if you have to do it forever, do you have to continue to do it the same way? Or will the necessity for periodic injections segue into the discovery of how to make wider and more efficient use of alternate routes? For instance, about a year ago took a stab at answering the question, “Will oral administration replace injections?” by describing a new drug that would be taken as a pill twice a day:

Pfizer is running a Phase 2 study testing whether danuglipron can meaningfully reduce body weight for patients diagnosed with obesity, and Leerink Partners analyst David Risinger expects the company to disclose results as early as Oct. 31.

Last month, the same website updated the situation by noting that danuglipron is now being described as a once-a-day pill — when it comes out. But in the meantime,

[…] Pfizer is adding yet another preliminary study before beginning larger clinical trials that could eventually result in the medicine’s approval.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Nestlé rides Ozempic boom with new ‘companion’ candy for weight loss drugs,”,” 10/20/23
Source: “‘Breakthrough’ Obesity Drugs Are Effective but Raise Questions,”, 01/10/23
Source: “Pfizer’s twice daily pill for obesity hopes to rival Wegovy and Mounjaro,”, 10/26/23
Source: “Pfizer says it will advance once-daily GLP-1 pill after all,”, 07/11/23
Image by Judy Gallagher/Attribution 2.0 Generic

Is the Natural Compound Berberine a Safer Alternative to Weight Loss Medications?

As we’ve been seeing over and over, a new class of medications, GLP-1 agonists — including Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro — has gained immense popularity since their release. These medications work by mimicking hormones that influence the body’s control over appetite and food intake, as well as slowing digestion to promote a sense of fullness. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues and injection site reactions.

These drugs have been a breakthrough for those dealing with weight-related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. However, as with any new medication hailed as a “miracle” solution, some people use them to shed a few pounds for aesthetic reasons.

Susan B. Trachman, M.D., in her article in Psychology Today, writes that she is particularly concerned about how these “miracle” drugs might impact mental health. She reminds us that previously, weight-loss drugs like Zimulti were pulled from the European market due to increased reports of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In the U.S., Qnexa (Vivus), containing phentermine and topiramate, was rejected by the FDA due to concerns over potential risks, including suicidal ideation, despite demonstrating significant weight loss.

Alarming side effects of GLP-1 drugs

While the research on the subject remains limited and conflicting, suicidal ideation has been linked to other weight-loss drugs in the past. For example, Sanofi’s Acomplia, which was never approved in the U.S., was withdrawn from the European market in 2008 due to similar concerns. Contrave, another weight-loss drug, carries a “black box warning” for suicidal thinking, and Qsymia includes a warning advising users to stop taking it if they experience such thoughts.

A recent study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, examined reports of suicidal thoughts among individuals using semaglutide, whether for diabetes management or weight loss. The researchers analyzed data from a World Health Organization database that tracks adverse drug reactions in over 140 countries.

Out of more than 30,500 people taking semaglutide, 107 reported experiencing suicidal thoughts. Similarly, 162 cases of suicidal ideation were found among over 52,000 patients using liraglutide, another injectable diabetes medication from the same drug class as semaglutide. Since liraglutide has been on the market longer, it has been used by more people.

The study highlighted a disproportionate risk of suicidal thoughts in individuals taking semaglutide, which was not observed in those on liraglutide. Comparing the frequency of suicidal thoughts in semaglutide users with those on other medications in the database, the researchers noted an approximately 45% higher risk associated with semaglutide use.

Enter berberine, nature’s potentially safer alternative

Given that even a slight risk of suicidal ideation should be carefully monitored and mitigated, nature offers a potentially safer alternative for weight loss: berberine. This compound is found in various plants, including goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape, and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Traditionally, berberine has been utilized to treat infections, skin diseases, and digestive issues. More recently, it has gained attention for its potential positive effects on diabetes and heart disease, as well as its growing popularity as a weight-loss aid.

When taken as a pill or powder, berberine enters the bloodstream and interacts with cells, influencing various biological processes. Instead of targeting a single pathway, berberine acts on multiple fronts, impacting several conditions simultaneously.

In a review published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, researchers highlighted berberine’s effectiveness in lowering fasting blood sugar levels in hundreds of patients. Additionally, the compound was found to reduce body mass index in a small group of subjects over three months. Other studies have shown that berberine supplements can reduce cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women by lowering total cholesterol, and when combined with blood pressure medication, it has enhanced the effects of the treatment in hypertensive patients.

Berberine seems to decrease insulin resistance, which can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. It may also modulate gut hormones that regulate food intake and energy balance. However, scientific studies focused specifically on berberine’s weight-loss effects are limited due to small sample sizes. One such study involving individuals with fatty liver disease found that those who took berberine daily for three months experienced significant weight loss.

Berberine improves cellular responses to insulin and affects how blood sugar is utilized, helping reduce hunger signals. Additionally, it benefits gut health by promoting a balanced gut microbiome, suppressing harmful bacteria, and encouraging the growth of beneficial ones.

Thinking about trying berberine?

If you consider adding berberine to your regimen, Dr. Trachman advises:

The FDA does not regulate it. Try to source a higher-quality product to avoid side effects from additives in some less expensive forms.

Berberine does interact with some drugs because it can inhibit the clearance of these drugs from the liver, causing an elevated blood level. Check with your healthcare provider before starting this if you take prescription medication.

Berberine’s half-life is only a few hours. That means your blood level will decrease to about 50 percent within a few hours. To maintain a more constant level, many providers recommend multiple daily dosing — two or three times per day at a total of 1500mg.

On a final note, side effects, primarily gastrointestinal, include constipation, nausea, and diarrhea — similar to the side effects reported with newer weight-loss drugs. However, unlike those drugs, berberine has not been associated with mental health issues.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Is Berberine Nature’s Weight Loss Drug?, Psychology Today, 8/23/24
Source: “A study linking popular weight loss drug to suicide risk again raises long-standing safety questions,”, 8/20/24
Image by Chris Abney on Unsplash

Freed From The Burden — Louis Anderson

In the context of “obesity plus happiness,” a recent post brought up the subject of professional comedians. There is a lot more to say about that particular demographic, and since one of the traits of an accomplished comedian is to speak with extreme honesty, most of them are worth listening to. This is especially true of Louie Anderson, who performed stand-up comedy for around 40 years, and acted in films and on TV; and who died (of cancer) two years ago at the age of 68.

Matt Zoller Seitz described Anderson as being conscious that if he ignored his size, audiences would ignore him. Consequently, at any given time, his standup act might be 50% fat jokes. Seitz writes,

The jokes were preemptive: He knew if he didn’t make them, someone else would. [He] felt he had to do them, otherwise viewers would be looking at the TV saying, “D’ya think he knows he’s fat?”

Childhood Obesity News has also mentioned, more than once, a fear that is believed to be universal among fat funny folks: If they no longer inhabit such an identifying trademark of a body, perhaps they will lose their comedic edge and be hounded out of the profession. This apparently was not the case for Anderson, who was asked by Conan O’Brien whether an extreme weight loss would cause him to drop the fat jokes from his repertoire. In that eventuality, Anderson replied that he would retire his fat jokes because “I think I’ll always be funny.”

Dark days transformed

His comedic mood varied, especially when the narrative concerned his alcoholic, abusive father, but in general what he wanted, and achieved, was to offer a gentle sort of comedy that could help people forget their troubles. He was described as a generous, beautiful, loving soul, whose pre-comedy activities included working as a counselor for troubled children.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Anderson already had a head start on becoming the behemoth that inactivity caused millions of other people to dread turning into. (Government agencies and medical institutions all over the world have quoted childhood obesity statistics that vary, but are universally dismaying.) Entering the COVID-19 era at close to 400 pounds he joked, “I’m on the intermittent fast. One minute I’m eating, the next minute I’m not. Then I’m eating again.”

Anderson wrote five books, including Goodbye Jumbo, Hello Cruel World, which…

[…] dealt with his lifelong efforts to come to terms with being overweight. In it, he recalled how his mom would overcompensate for the trauma her children were experiencing by overfeeding them.

He told journalists Christie D’Zurilla and Nardine Saad that the process of writing that particular autobiographical volume completely changed his life:

I was able to be freed up from that burden, and that low self-esteem and self-hatred that you get into… I decided that I was gonna change all that, and I was not gonna hate myself anymore. That I had gone through enough guilt, and enough shame, and I wanted to move on. And that I had something to offer.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Honoring His Mother Was Louie Anderson’s Life’s Work,”, 01/22/22
Source: “Comedian Louie Anderson Says He’s Lost About 40 Lbs. Through Intermittent Fasting,”, 03/17/21
Source: “Stand-up comic and actor Louie Anderson, Emmy-winning ‘Baskets’ star, dies at 68,”, 01/21/22
Image by Walt Disney Television/Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic

Food Is Life Is Love Is Food

Imagine being the restaurant critic of The New York Times, which is tantamount to being a professional eater. There you are in one of the world’s largest and most opulent cities, famous for (among other things) its abundance of fine dining establishments, with not only the opportunity but the obligation to eat, eat, eat. Actually, we don’t need to imagine the experience, because Frank Bruni, author of Born Round: The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater, has described the dilemma in 354-page detail.

During his five years as “one of the most loved and hated tastemakers in the New York restaurant world,” it was Bruni’s profession to dine not only in his newspaper’s native city but all over the USA. This duty coincided with his lifelong struggle against obesity.

Several Childhood Obesity News posts have mentioned the particular difficulty that many people experience in getting through holidays, when family gatherings are fraught with the emotional obligation to eat everything that isn’t nailed down. For chubby and perpetually hungry little Frank, whose mother and grandmother both existed with one purpose — to cook massive, calorie-laden meals — this was every day of his young life.

Even when his mom had misgivings and tried to impose some limits, it was impossible to avoid constant clashes with the overwhelming emotional equation: If you don’t love Grandma’s food, you don’t love Grandma. Eventually, his mom gave up and, just like Grandma, “cooked with a ferocity.”

Growing up — and out

To complicate matters further, little Frank was a naturally inactive child. If reading books could burn calories, he would have been fine. Sadly, that was not the way of things. Heading into his teens, Bruni got into swimming, but basically remained a fat kid. Then there was the considerable matter of realizing that he was gay. All the while, and rivaling his massive love for his family, the abiding passion of his young life was food.

As a college freshman, he was already into diet pills, laxatives, and bulimia. Embarking on his journalistic career, the young man weighed well over 250 pounds. Eventually, a friend hooked him up with her personal trainer, and change began to occur. By the time he became a restaurant critic, he had mastered the technique of portion control.

Reviewer Dominique Browning notes that this life story is not only told with humor, but is “embarrassingly, inspiringly honest” and adds,

I could feel the profound pleasure he took in his work — both the dining and the writing. No matter whether he was covering slow food or fast, fancy or fraught or both, he seemed to want to invite everyone to the table with him…

Another reviewer, George Ilsley, seems to have approached this autobiography from a strictly psychological angle, saying,

Even when others like him and admire the way he looks, Bruni still seems to feel fundamentally unattractive. In my opinion, he never reached the core of that false core belief, and the societal programming that drove it, like poison, into the depth of his soul.

Yet another description characterizes Born Round as a “heartbreaking and hilarious account of how he learned to love food just enough,” and opines that the book “will speak to every hungry hedonist who has ever had to rein in an appetite to avoid letting out a waistband.”

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Weight Watcher,”, 08/19/09
Source: “Born Round: The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater,”, undated
Source: “Born Round: A Story of Family, Food and a Ferocious Appetite,”, 09/18/17
Image: Book cover/Public Domain

New Obesity Treatments Show Promise

A research team led by Dr. Ki-young Shin at the Human Care Electro-Medical Device Research Center, part of the Electro-Medical Equipment Research Division at KERI, is making significant progress in developing neuromodulation technology to treat and manage metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides, often linked to poor diet and lack of exercise. While various treatments for obesity exist, such as drug injections and pharmaceuticals, these chemical approaches often carry the risk of side effects with long-term use. In response, Dr. Shin’s team at KERI has introduced a new method that involves suppressing appetite by electrically stimulating the cerebral cortex through the scalp.

This technique, known as transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS), has shown promise in non-invasively targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to reduce appetite. The research team has identified three key technologies essential for this approach: accurately delivering electrical stimulation to the desired brain area, developing electrodes that can effectively contact the scalp through hair, and creating monitoring systems to ensure the stimulation reaches the target and alters brain activity. Dr. Shin’s team is actively developing these advanced technologies.

To validate the effectiveness of tRNS in suppressing appetite, KERI collaborated with Professor Hyung-jin Choi’s team at Seoul National University Hospital in a clinical trial. This trial involved 60 female participants, divided into two groups — one receiving tRNS and the other an active sham treatment. Over two weeks, each participant underwent six sessions of electrical stimulation, with 20-minute sessions using a barely noticeable 2 mA current. The aim was to demonstrate the potential of tRNS in reducing appetite.

Arrowhead to start two new obesity trials

After wrapping up its work on a cardiovascular candidate in the clinical stage, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals is now turning its focus to two new obesity treatments, both slated to begin clinical trials in early 2025.

The company introduced two next-generation candidates: ARO-INHBE and ARO-ALK7. These are designed to address obesity and related metabolic disorders.

In preclinical studies, both candidates demonstrated the ability to reduce body weight and fat mass through a novel mechanism of action that could help preserve lean muscle mass, offering a potential advantage over current therapies. Arrowhead plans to seek regulatory approval to start human trials for both candidates by the end of this year, aiming to initiate clinical studies in obesity early next year.

As Dr. Carel le Roux, a metabolic medicine expert from University College Dublin, noted during the investor call:

Weight loss alone isn’t a sufficient value proposition for continuing medication. You need to see health and functional improvements as well.

According to Arrowhead’s chief of discovery and translational medicine, Dr. James Hamilton, when tested as monotherapy and in combination with tirzepatide in diet-induced obesity mouse models, ARO-INHBE and ARO-ALK7 both led to reduced body weight and fat mass while preserving lean muscle mass, resulting in improved body composition. Dr. Hamilton added that with the recent approval and positive clinical impact of new obesity treatments, emerging therapeutic strategies with novel mechanisms of action could represent the future of effective obesity and metabolic disease management.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “KERI advances neuromodulation technology for appetite suppression in obesity treatment,”, 8/14/24
Source: “After clearing out heart disease drug, Arrowhead maps out obesity development plans,”, 8/14/24
Image by CDC on Unsplash

Fat and Happy… Not

Just for grins, compare the latest statistics on the world’s happiest countries and the most obese countries. Recently, writer Frank Jacobs noted,

As usual, the country ranking in the annual World Happiness Report is topped by Nordic countries.

According to the Gallup World Poll, they are Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark. How do those felicitous lands stack up against the most obese countries? There are different ways to compare the statistics, mainly by “mean BMI of both sexes.” But BMI has been discredited and while most places still go by it, the more advanced have switched to other metrics, like the combined male and female obesity rate.

Still, according to the currently accepted standard of measurement, in the four happiest countries, the percentage of obese adults looks pretty good with these figures: Finland 22.2%, Iceland 21.9%, Sweden 20.6%, Denmark 19.7%.

In contrast: When measured by the combined obesity rates of both sexes, the “percentage of obese adults,” in the world’s direly affected countries is as high as 61% (Nauru), 55.0% (Cook Islands), 55.3% (Palau) and 52.9% (Marshall Islands).

Big picture, little picture

So, on a global scale, and for many reasons, the happiest humans and the most overweight humans constitute very different populations. However, narrowing the assessment down to a certain population, the professional comedians of the world look pretty darn euphoric. Of course, laughter is not always synonymous with happiness, as they will be the first to attest.

An entire sub-genre of professional comedians have suffered from the belief that if they give up their addictions — whether to alcohol, downers, uppers, food, or whatever — they will no longer be able to either mentally generate material, or perform in front of crowds. One way they handle this almost ubiquitous problem is by organizing for mutual help toward the practice of self-help.

In Atlanta, for instance, an outfit called Stand Up 4 Recovery was founded by comic Ricky Satori who, now more than 10 years sober, told reporter Kenny Murry about the early stage of his recovery process:

I could be onstage, I could say something confessional about my drug use … and I could follow it up with a punchline and experience the therapeutic value of not being suffocated with secrecy. Also, if it came up in court, I could say, “I was just kidding!”

This innovator is registered as a Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist, and is qualified to train people to use naloxone (which saves users who overdose on opiates). He runs a mobile comedy club that honors individuals celebrating their Soberversaries by giving them support, encouragement, and even gifts. He also created a special array of “mocktails” for customers to enjoy. Collaborators include comedian/actor Taylor Neely, who also hosts the podcast “Sober Boyz.”

Father of them all

Another example of this type of service organization is the Lenny Bruce Memorial Foundation, founded by the legendary comedian’s daughter Kitty Bruce. It provides scholarships for sober living programs aligned with the foundation’s core values, which include education on how to survive daily life without using substances; focus on positivity and spirituality; self-esteem building; volunteer work; and enjoyable sober experiences.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “Mapped: The highs and lows of the world’s happiness landscape,”, 05/07/24
Source: “Most Obese Countries 2024,”, undated
Source: “Atlanta comedians ‘Stand Up’ for addiction and mental health recovery awareness,”, 01/23/24
Source: “The Lenny Bruce Memorial Foundation,”, undated
Image by Stand Up 4 Recovery

Dicey Substances and Treacherous Fakes, Part 2

This post continues a recent post, and this one is as disturbing as the other. Last month, Registered Dietitian Catherine Rall told,

Any time you’re taking an unregulated drug, you’re taking a huge risk since it could literally contain anything. The best case scenario, outside of the unlikely idea that someone is selling Ozempic at below-market prices, is that you get an inert placebo. There’s also a huge risk that you’re putting something dangerous into your body.

The article also notes the warning voiced by Registered Nurse Nancy Mitchell, that the customer risks receiving harmful toxins, including heavy metals:

Every year, hundreds of people show up in the ER with severe allergic reactions or lead poisoning that they acquired from some unknown generic source.

Of course, the World Health Organization warns the public about counterfeit websites, but given the high prices of bona fide pharmaceuticals, the widespread shortages, and the human tendency to hope for and believe in the impossible, caution is unlikely to be observed. Face it, most of us are nice people who can’t really believe that someone would sell us fake medicine that might be worse than useless.

Potential users are urged to verify the legitimacy of online pharmacies, but who knows how to do that?

And to be realistic, do people really care? The perils that may result from giving away any personal information online are just beginning to register in the average person’s consciousness. The world is full of endearing, lovely people who trust strangers enough to willingly fill out social media “get to know me” quizzes. Clever criminals collect all kinds of facts, and know more than anyone needs to about a person’s first pet, the color of their first car, and who their prom date was in 1980.

Be afraid… Be very afraid

A piece by Katherine Eban reinforces all the caveats:

Under US law, drugs are supposed to travel seamlessly from a manufacturer’s loading dock to a distributor’s pristine warehouse to a pharmacy shelf through a protected chain of companies that follow strict requirements for handling medications and documenting sales.

“On the contrary,” says her story which traces the meticulous investigation into a particularly odious and huge batch of thousands of fake Ozempic pens that were dumped on the market last year, and also goes into the matter of drugs that are real enough, but “diverted” from the legitimate channels. Eban writes,

The drugs may well be authentic, but they might also be expired, improperly stored, or contaminated. Under FDA rules, diverted drugs are considered adulterated and not fit for human consumption, because their safety and quality cannot be guaranteed.

The globe is populated with criminals who “have been learning as they go how to breach America’s defenses in order to sell their counterfeit medicine in the most expensive, and lucrative, market in the world.” This market includes the proprietors of some weight-loss spas whose practices are unsavory, to say the least.

The Illinois Poison Center’s medical director, Michael Wahl, M.D., told the reporter that many patients have injected insulin disguised as Ozempic — which for non-diabetics can be seriously life-threatening, because if the body’s glucose level is too low for too long, irreversible brain damage may result.

In addition to the outright fakes and the stolen or “diverted” goods, there is the additional problem of legal but under-scrutinized and possibly untested substances. There are loopholes, under certain conditions of unavailability, that allow licensed “compounders” to manufacture drugs. Their ingredients are sometimes obtained from sources that cannot be described as either impeccable or acceptable:

Not every pharmacy compounder is equal in adherence to the law… The result has been a quality control disaster.

It looks as if people need to seriously ask themselves whether losing some pounds of flesh can be worth the price of losing an organ or even a life, especially when other methods, though difficult, are possible.

Your responses and feedback are welcome!

Source: “WHO Issues Global Warning About Fake Ozempic Being Sold Online,”, 06/24/24
Source: “Why Counterfeit Ozempic Is a Global-Growth Industry,”, June 2024
Image by Richard Patterson/Attribution 2.0 Generic

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Profiles: Kids Struggling with Weight

Profiles: Kids Struggling with Obesity top bottom

The Book

OVERWEIGHT: What Kids Say explores the obesity problem from the often-overlooked perspective of children struggling with being overweight.

About Dr. Robert A. Pretlow

Dr. Robert A. Pretlow is a pediatrician and childhood obesity specialist. He has been researching and spreading awareness on the childhood obesity epidemic in the US for more than a decade.
You can contact Dr. Pretlow at:


Dr. Pretlow’s invited presentation at the American Society of Animal Science 2020 Conference
What’s Causing Obesity in Companion Animals and What Can We Do About It

Dr. Pretlow’s invited presentation at the World Obesity Federation 2019 Conference:
Food/Eating Addiction and the Displacement Mechanism

Dr. Pretlow’s Multi-Center Clinical Trial Kick-off Speech 2018:
Obesity: Tackling the Root Cause

Dr. Pretlow’s 2017 Workshop on
Treatment of Obesity Using the Addiction Model

Dr. Pretlow’s invited presentation for
TEC and UNC 2016

Dr. Pretlow’s invited presentation at the 2015 Obesity Summit in London, UK.

Dr. Pretlow’s invited keynote at the 2014 European Childhood Obesity Group Congress in Salzburg, Austria.

Dr. Pretlow’s presentation at the 2013 European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool, UK.

Dr. Pretlow’s presentation at the 2011 International Conference on Childhood Obesity in Lisbon, Portugal.

Dr. Pretlow’s presentation at the 2010 Uniting Against Childhood Obesity Conference in Houston, TX.

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