This post is for anyone who considers using the BrainWeighve app. Let’s take a brief part of the manual, and break it down into meanings:
The app wants you to check-in daily, which should require only about 15 minutes. Each day, the app will present you with a different task list, like weigh-in, check-in on your Dread List, or Rechanneling. The app also asks you to say whether you’ve snacked each day, as dealing with your Dread List items should help you to stop snacking without a lot of willpower.
A person might feel like they are already burdened with too many rules and requirements. Now, this app is suggesting that you meet with it for daily consultation. And not just on weekdays, like school. No, it wants to hear from you on weekends, too!
There are some magnificent reasons for doing something every day. First — and you probably knew this already — once a person skips a single day, it becomes so much easier to slack off for just one more day, and then another one after that. You missed one, two, or three days, and couldn’t help noticing that the world did not end. Why not let just one more day slide on by?
Don’t fall for it
Why? Because it’s all too easy to think, “So I’ve missed a couple of days, so what?” when in fact, you have missed four days, or a week. Checking in daily is a thing that you do for yourself, to teach the inner self-defeating impulses that they are not the boss of you. We all have garbage in our minds and emotions that clogs up the machinery, and sometimes that junk can actually convince us to act like our own worst enemy.
But those destructive urges can be taught a lesson. By resolving to check in daily, and sticking with it, you show those negative self-sabotaging dark corners of your mind that they cannot defeat you. In other words, you are the boss! And as your assistant, you have a very clever little pocket wizard that gives helpful advice, clears your path, and recognizes the real progress that you make. A phone loaded with BrainWeighve is the sort of secret weapon that warriors and rebels throughout history would have been delighted to have on their side!
The journey
Sure, comparing life, or the accomplishment of any goal, to a journey is a bit hackneyed. But it is useful. The old saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The very first single step is to fill in the information the app asks for, and another step is to set up one section of it, and the next step is to set up another area, and so on. Once everything is shipshape, each check-in session is the equivalent of taking another giant stride across the landscape, like someone who means business.
It’s hard for a young person to believe, but things do get easier! Just like a physical skill that involves wheels or a ball or a swimming pool, dealing with everyday hassles gets easier with practice — and confidence.
To figure something out, to find a solution to a nagging problem — these are things that may seem small, individually. But sometimes, all we need to do is give solutions a listening ear and a chance to do their thing, and they can be genuine life-changers.
Your responses and feedback are welcome!