More Child Removal Stakes

Both officials and the public should try to recognize the complexity of obesity before making determinations of parental neglect.

Smoking, Obesity and Disease Culpability

While public anti-smoking campaigns have proven effective, there is collateral damage to the emotional well-being of a particular group: lung cancer patients.

Medical Education Shortcomings

It makes sense for medical professionals to have a rudimentary grasp of nutrition and related areas of knowledge, so why is nutrition education not taught more?

When September Rolls Around

One child in five copes with the side effects of obesity, whether it’s strictly personal, or painfully apparent, like being bullied.

A Noble and Futile Effort

Is it possible that all the research into the physical qualities of food and beverages has amounted to a vast amount of wasted effort?

ACT and the Smartphone

ACT could be administered via smartphone, and results can be obtained without participation of a human therapist.

Scotland Battles the Bulge

Scotland is said to have some of the best health service data available, in order to learn how best to address societal issues, including childhood obesity.

Killing Millions and Costing Billions

In Britain, Lord Ian McColl was a professor of surgery for nearly 30 years, and has been a member of the House of Lords since 1989. He popularized the magnificent slogan quoted in the title of this post, which refers to the obesity epidemic that kills millions of people and costs billions of pounds. Parliament […]

Where Does Psychiatry Stand?

Since most obesity results from overeating, which should be defined as an eating disorder, is it most effectively treated by the mental health professionals?

Are Obese Kids Miserable? No.

There are so many ways for obesity to negatively impact a young life, it seems unlikely that anyone could remain emotionally unaffected.