Healthy Habits, Happy Homes

An in-home intervention program initiated by Massachusetts General Hospital slightly reduced the risk of childhood obesity for the participating families.

Emotions and Habit

Studies show that a person’s emotional state affects taste perception, and stressed people crave sweets more intensely than those in a positive frame of mind.

Healthy Weight Maintenance Boosted by Habit

To achieve durable change and sustained weight loss, kids need a lot of buttressing, a lot of outside support, and what’s more, they need the right kind of support. Anything that sounds like nagging will be rebuffed and have the opposite effect from what was intended. The far future is hard enough to deal with, […]

Singapore Addresses Eating Habits

I've got all I need

As Childhood Obesity News has been discussing, the city-state of Singapore is quite serious about lowering its childhood obesity rate, and is pursuing that goal with a two-pronged strategy. One prong is more physical fitness for all citizens — regardless of their age or what kind of shape they’re already in — because exercise can […]

When Bad Habits Happen to Good Parents


Suzanne Cullen brought to Dr. Pretlow’s attention an interesting website,, for professionals who take care of other people’s children, and for parents who want to take care of their own children like pros. Childhood obesity is only one of its areas of interest. An article called “10 Bad Eating Habits Parents Often Teach their […]

A Vagus Nerve Review

The vagus nerve connects the brain to the heart, lungs, digestive tract, and several other entities. Why is it so important?