Habit Hints Can Change Lives

The persistent practice of small incremental improvements can work wonders, and this applies to forming good health habits as well.

Additional Habit Advisories

Motivation is all well and good, but often it simply isn’t enough to make something happen. Here are five suggestions for healthy habit forming.

More Deep Thoughts About Habits

Establishing a routine takes conscious work, and the sooner we get over expecting it to be easy, the quicker we can transform the behavior into a habit.

Deep Thoughts About Habits

Only when we get to the point of doing something without thinking does it become a habit. That process takes a while.

More Habit Advisories

One of life’s mysteries is the astonishing speed with which a bad habit can materialize, compared to the much more leisurely pace set by good habit formation.

Various Habit Advisories

To promote positive life changes, you don’t have to have the willpower of steel. You just need to cultivate the habit of cultivating positive habits.

Some Habit Advisories

Our past is not our destiny. A simple, everyday thing — like a good habit — can make an enormous difference, and the only way to find out is to give it a try.