The Ultimate Junk Food

Ultimate Junk Food

This is heartening. In the succinctly-titled “Final Version of Junk Food Essay,” a 19-year-old Malaysian woman, who goes by the pseudonym “ngfeiwen,” speaks of her belief that junk-food sales in school canteens should be banned. Childhood obesity and other health problems aside, junk-food packaging creates a lot of ugly and cost-incurring litter. If young people […]

Childhood Obesity Linked to Fast Food Toys

Overweight: What Kids Say

Jesse McKinley, the San Francisco Bureau Chief for The New York Times, keeps the East-coasters apprised of what’s coming at them from the other side of the realm. In this case, it’s an ordinance — with its final vote coming up in May — that would only affect a dozen or so restaurants in a […]