Displacing the Displacement

Maintaining a habit is quite stressful, and addiction inevitably causes even more problems and more stress the person is trying to alleviate or avoid.

Displacement’s Two Faces

It’s possible that a child who overeats can be induced to try some of life’s other satisfying activities, like the ones Dr. Pretlow’s team has suggested.

Extirpate the Roots of Addiction

If the displacement mechanism accounts for overeating, then targeting this mechanism in treatment should facilitate significant reductions in overeating.

Uproot the Seeds of Addiction

Sure, eating can reduce stress in the short term, but ultimately it creates situations that produce more stress, with all kinds of negative consequences.

Avoid Planting the Seeds of Addiction

Is every use of the displacement mechanism a fake cure? Not if it saves the person from destruction, and helps them not to bring destruction to others.

Facets of Displacement

Pursuing a passion can look an awful lot like an addiction, and can certainly have the same negative effects on a practical level.

Displacement Mechanism Posts

Here’s part two of the roundup of our posts on the subject of displacement behaviors, which includes comfort eating.